Overcome Fear of Dentists

Fear of dentists, dental procedures or dental offices is fairly common and the causes of this fear varies. Some common sources of the fear of dentists are:

  • an unpleasant experience in a dental chair,
  • memories of toothache pain,
  • fear passed on to them as a child by a respected adult who had the fear,
  • being frightened as a child by older siblings or friends, or
  • a feeling of helplessness that they experience by not being able to speak while getting dental care.

Many people who are afraid of dentists tend to avoid regular dental cleanings and checkups  and delay dental procedures. Delaying necessary procedures can lead to these results:

  • dental problems at a later date that may need more substantial, costly and less comfortable procedures,
  • cavities and other problems, or even
  • health or heart problems caused by an excessive buildup of tooth bacteria.

Hypnotism can be a valuable technique in reducing dental pain and fear. [1] Hypnotism helps by restructuring negative thinking towards more positive expectations from treatment. [2] A skilled hypnotist can help an individual to release the old fear and replace it with a mindset of partnering with the dentist to achieve good dental health.

In light of the current opioid addiction crisis, many people who, in the past, requested an anti-anxiety prescription for dealing with their fear for a dental visit are looking for alternative non- chemical approaches. Studies have shown hypnotism to be a powerful non-pharmacological tool in dentistry. Drugs provide only a temporary solution for a single procedure. Hypnotism can help to reduce patients’ fears while decreasing the doses for sedatives and analgesic drugs when these are needed. [3]

Fear of dentists and dental procedures is fairly common and may lead to a delay of accessing timely dental care, which can result in needing more substantial and costly procedures at a later date. Hypnotism has been proven to be an effective natural approach to reducing this fear without any of the side effects caused by anti-anxiety drugs nor the risk of addiction posed by some pain medications.

For more information on how hypnotism works, visit our website at https://soothehypnosis.com/

[1] Willemstad, R, H Hypnosis techniques used to diminish anxiety and fear: review of the literature, Rev Belgae Med Dent, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12899047 (accessed March 2018)

[2] Moore, R, Dental fear – relevant clinical methods of treatment, Tandlaegebladet, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2377967 (accessed March 2018)

[3] Franco, E, Zanette, G, Castilian, E, The role of hypnotherapy in dentistry, SAAD Dig, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24624516 (accessed March 2018)

Photo courtesy of oswaldoruiz on Pixabay.